The Bio-Organic Electronics Lab has 600 sq. feet and is equipped with state-of-the-art instruments and equipment for electrical and electrochemical experiments and solar cell characterization. The major pieces of equipment in the lab are:
1. Potentiostat (Model: VersaSTAT 4)
• This instrument will be used for electrochemical experiments.
• Designed for two and three electrode setups in DC and AC modes.
• Capable of impedance measurement (EIS).
2. Edwards Thermal Evaporator
• For making thin-films of metals/semiconductors/insulators
• Up to three sources
• Custumized for connection to a glove box for fabrication of sensitive devices in isolated environments
3. Customized Glovebox
• Four ports
• Automated nitrogen pressure/flow control
4. Source-Measure Unit (Model: Keithley 2602A SMU)
• This instrument will be used for current-voltage tests and conductivity measurement.
• Equipped with a custom-built four probe conductivity measurement setup.
5. UV-Vis spectrophotometer (Model: Evolution 201 PC)
• UV-VIS spectrophotometer for measuring the concentration of analytes in the electrolyte.
• Double beam, Xenon flash lamp
• Range: 190 -1100 nm
• Accuracy: 0.5 nm Precision analytical balance.
6. Solar Simulator (Model: RST 300S)
• This instrument will be used as the light source for photovoltaic experiments.
• Power: 300 W
• Equipped with electrical shutter and optical filters for AM1.0 and AM1.5.
7. Fisher Scientific hot plate stirrer (Model: Isotemp HPS-7)
• Temperature range: 20 C to 480 C.
8. Analytical Balance (Model: GH-252)
• Precision analytical balance.
• Resolution: 0.01 mg.
9. Digital pH meter (Model: Fisher Scientific Accumet AB15+)
• For pH adjustment in the electrolyte.
• pH and mV meter
• Accuracy: 0.1.
10.Labconco Fume Hood
• 48” wide fume hood for chemical experiments
11.Spin coater (Model: Laurell- WS 650Hz 23)
• Programmable - multistep
• Up to 12000 RPM
• Sample diameter: up to 150 mm